Ann Hutchinson-Guest : Presidente de International Council of kinetography Laban Londres

« What a splendid work you have done! It is so well produced and, although I admit that I have not yet read more than a few phrases, the notation seems excellent. I know Karin and she is a very fine notator. What an interesting time you must have had working with her!

It is so important to have books like this, it is indeed a welcome addition to the library here. Only in this way can we carry on the work of individuals who have contributed so much to the dance field. Many people nowadays will not know about Malkovsky and his particular contribution, but a book published makes the information available to hundreds of people and to future generations.

When I have spent a great deal of time producing a book - and so often for love - I think of this fact and feel I have made a significant contribution.»

Lucy Venable : Vice présidente de ICKL Columbus Departement of Dance

« Your beautiful book just arrived today in beautiful condition.

Thank you so very, very much for sending me a copy. I shall enjoy reading it and spreading the word as far as I can.»

Sheila Marion : Directrice Dance Notation Bureau Extension Columbus Departement of Dance

« Thank you very much for your generous donation to the Dance Notation Bureau Extension, of your book Living Heritage: François Malkovsky's Free Dance, with notation by Karin Hermes-Sunke.

We greatly appreciate this addition to our library and I look forward to reading the dances.


Thank you for the kind donation of a copy of your book: "Living heritage: François Malkovsky's Free Dance". This made a valuable addition to our collection and we look forwardn to their extenive use.


(Head of Media and information Resource Centre)


I am writing to you regarding your new book: "Living heritage; Malkovsky's Free Dance".

First, allow me to thank you for thinking of the Dance Notation Bureau and its members and for sending us a copy of the book and the music. To protect these originals, we will place them in our non-circulating collection. When a dance is requested by a member, we will send a copy of the original. The dances will appear in our catalog under " Suzanne Bodak, after François Mal,kovsky."

Jill Cirasella (librarian and archivist)
